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You are the divine creator of your purpose


You are creating your purpose moment to moment.

Your purpose isn’t something you go to find, it is created from and of you.

Your soul knows what it came here to experience, and if you could only see it it would take your breath away, it’s absolutely beautiful.

But souls come in human bodies which have human experiences and those sometimes cause shadows.

And because they’re painful we tend to hide from our shadows, and in doing so we also hide our magnificence.

Which incidentally is more of a tragedy than anything that’s happened to you.

And I say that as someone who understands and has lived through trauma, except trauma doesn’t help you live, at best you function, you exist, you survive.

And maybe you know that place too.

Those shadows you’re trying to run away from hold the key to unlocking where you soul TRULY wants to go.

It was never meant to get stuck in its human experience because it came to see much much more.

You don’t have to hide from your shadows anymore, you just have to know how to look at them, then adjust that rear view mirror because they are not where you’re headed.

Your soul’s true potential will BLOW YOUR MIND.

Be you, be limitless,

Vicky ❤️

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