There is no one and done to living a luminous life, it's a practice.
Allowing your gifts to shine through, to elevate your results in business and feel content in your relationships takes a lot of awareness of one thing
If you spent a lifetime focused on everyone else, hoping that would bring you what you wanted, it might really surprise you to know that your attention needed to be on yourself.
We all have habits, conditioning and a way that we tend to approach life which creates certain results.
The more focused we are on how we are, the better results available.
And no matter how much work you've done, awareness has no limit.
Here are some guiding principles:
1 - Grounding
It's a daily choice to check in with where your energy is. Is it inside or outside of your body, what direction is it pulling you in and where do you feel connected?
2 - Vision
With your energy grounded you can allow yourself to expand towards your vision, repeatedly seeing yourself in it, taking actions, and breathing into exactly what you want.
3 - Clearing
A high level of self-attunement allows you to clear the energetic noise you pick up on during the day, to keep the frequency of your vision intact no matter what's happening around you.
4 - Preparing
There is no final step, as there isn't an end point to this process. Working with your energy is a daily, ongoing process. Prepare to get bored, to be distracted and to also create your best results yet.
If there's a specific result you want this year in your life, or your business, it's your awareness that holds the key.